“ The Turkic languages are a homogeneous group of about 20 languages, which are for the most part mutually intelligible. The most important, of course, is Turkish, which accounts for about 40 percent of all Turkic speakers. ”D??i?leri Vekil? Fidan da ufukmelerin ard?ndan düzenledi?i bas?n derneks?nda, “Geldi?imiz a?amada yenilenmi? bir psiko
Kars - Genel Bakış
Adana's golden age for architecture was the late 15th and 16th centuries when the Ramadanid principality chose it as their capital. The city grew rapidly during that period with many new neighbourhoods and most of the historical landmarks being built during this period.Of a total boundary length of some 4,000 miles (6,440 km), about three-fourths i